ERASMUS+ Call 2022

Information and methodological seminar for Namangan HEIs

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Organisers: Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education (MHSSE), EU Delegation, National Erasmus+ Office (NEO), National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), Namangan Engineering-Technological Institute

Participants: academic and administrative staff, doctorates and students and Representatives of higher educational institutions (HEIs) from Namangan, Vice-Rectors for International Relations and Innovations, departments of QA, centres, non-academic partners, local administration

Format: off-line  at conference hall of NamETI

09:00-09:30  Registration Moderator: Pulatkhon Lutfullayev (NamSU), Ahror Tursunov (NamETI), Head of IRO
09:30-09:40Opening by Rector of NamETI prof. Mamatkarimоv Оdiljоn
09:40-10:10Erasmus+ impact in Uzbekistan and novelties in the programme for 2021-2027, NEO role and support to target groups Kudratkhon Bakhadirov, NEO expert Q&A
10:10-10:40International credit mobility, Jean Monnet Gulshoda Karlibayeva, NEO manager Q&A
10:40-11:00Coffee break
  11:00-11:30Capacity Building in Higher Education, opportunities for new comers, EMDM Kudratkhon Bakhadirov, NEO expert Q&A
11:30-11:50Best practices of CBHE at NamETI Nurillokhon Umarkhonov,NamETI, coordinator of “TRIGGER: Triggering innovative approaches, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes in HEI learners through creating the favourable conditions for graduate’s employability in Central Asia”. Q&A
11:50-12:10Analysis of experiences in the effective implementation of ICM projects Pulatkhon Lutfullayev, Head of IRO at NamSU, HERE
14:00-14:20Higher Education, emploability of graduates Gulbakhor Karimova, AndIAA, HERE Q&A
14:20-15:20How to develop a good project proposal, interactive session, Partner search tools & PIC
15:20-16:00Q&A, Discussion Q&A, wrap-up; event evaluation
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