Scopus & Web of Science indexed

"Problems in the textile and light industry in the context of integration of science and industry and ways to solve them (PTLICISPWS-2)"

Namangan, 3-4 May, 2023

Namangan institute of engineering and technology, Russian State University A.N.Kosigin, EGE university of Turkey, Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Fergana polytechnic institute is organizing joint international conference

Conference themes:

PTLICISPWS-2 accepts high-quality unpublished papers in the following areas.

Key dates:

Requirements for the design and writing of articles:

Completed research papers written in English and fulfilling the stated requirements will be accepted for the conference. Submissions should be original and relevant to the sections of the conference.

— The paper should be written strictly according to the suggested template of your chosen publication (ImRAD);

— The article should be between 4 — 6 pages long (at least 4 full pages);

— The paper should contain sections such as Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, etc.

— Citations should be made strictly according to the requirements of the editions (see the templates on the conference website), only the publications indexed in the international databases should be cited;

— Use an international standard for units and values, use a decimal point as a separator (e.g. 0.002);

— The list of references should not contain more than 2 references to the authors of the article.

All submitted articles are reviewed and checked for plagiarism, excessive self-citation, compliance with the formatting and originality. Passed articles are accepted for publication in the journal issue. The plagiarism check is carried out at the final stage by the responsible editors of AIP conference proceedings after payment of the submission fee. Therefore, if an article is rejected due to the presence of already published papers and plagiarism, the payment is not refunded.

The conference will result in the publication of a Scopus and WoS-indexed journal issue. All full-time and extramural participants submitting their papers for publication in the journal should e-mail them to (or: Telegram —

Registration fee:

The registration fee including publication of one article in the Journal (in US dollars)

AIP Conference Proceedings indexed by Scopus and Web of Science

Uzbek Authors
$ 185

AIP Conference Proceedings indexed by Scopus and Web of Science

Foreign Authors
$ 185

Institute address:

ZIP code:




Responsible for organizational matters:

  1. Ergashev Oybek Karimovich — Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation NIET, DSc, phone: (+998 69) 228-76-68, (+998 69) 228-76-75 E-mail:

  2. Korabayev Sherzod Ahmadjonovich — Associate Professor of the Department of Textile Industry Technology, PhD, NIET, phone: (+998 94) 302-02-07 E-mail:

  3. Bobojanov Husanxon Toxirovich — Professor of the Department of Textile Industry Technology, DSc, NIET, phone: (+998 93) 597-76-66 E-mail:

  4. Erkinov Zokirjon Erkinboy ugli – Head of the Department of Technology of Textile Products, PhD, NIET, phone: (+998 91) 186-16-44  E-mail:

  5. Tursunov Ahrorbek Aminjon ugli – Head of the International Relations Department. PhD, phone: (+99891) 351-03-04 E-mail:

Responsible for scientific and organizational issues (international):

Qorabayev Sherzod Ahmadjonovich — Associate Professor of the Department of Textile Industry Technology, PhD, NIET, phone: (+998 94) 302-02-07  E-mail:

The committee:


Mamatkarimov Odiljon Ohundadaevich

Rector of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Professor, Doctor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. NIET, phone: (+998 69) 228-76-68, (+998 69) 228-76-75


Scientific chairman:

Ergashev Jamoliddin Samatovich

Dean of Light Industry Technology faculty, Professor, DSc,  NIET. phone: (998 97) 727-19-64


Prof. Dr. Plekhanov
A. F. Russian State University A.N.Kosigin

Prof. Dr. Kadoǧlu
Hüseyin EGE university of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Tashpulatov
Salikh Sh Tashkent textile and light industry institute

Prof. Dr. Gülümser
Tülay EGE university of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Yuldashev
N. Kh Fergana polytechnic institute

Prof. Dr. Sharibaev N. Yu
Namangan institute of engineering and technology

Axborot texnologiyalar markazi | NamMTI
2020 yil

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